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Milk-V Duo linux Compile kernel Tutorial

[] Preparatory work

Local environment windows11 64 bit

Compilation environment: VMware Ubuntu LTS

(If you don't have Ubuntu installed, you need to install one locally or in a virtual machine.)

Prepare an SD card

milk-v duo

[] Installation:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt install dialog python3-dev make git bc gcc flex bison ninja-build libssl-dev rsync pkg-config device-tree-compiler squashfs-tools parted dosfstools

Installation cmake

sudo apt-get install cmake

Create a development environment directory:

mkdir duo && cd duo

[] Download the development package cvi_mmf_sdk.zip:

wget -c https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//codeload.github.com/sophgo/cvi_mmf_sdk/zip/refs/heads/v4.1.0 -O cvi_mmf_sdk.zip

Then decompress:

unzip cvi_mmf_sdk.zip

mv cvi_mmf_sdk-4.1.0/ cvi_mmf_sdk/

[] Download tool chain:

wget https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//sophon-file.sophon.cn/sophon-prod-s3/drive/23/03/07/16/host-tools.tar.gz

Then decompress:

tar xvf host-tools.tar.gz

Move to the development package:

mv host-tools/ cvi_mmf_sdk/

[] Start compiling in a single step as follows:

cd cvi_mmf_sdk/

source build/cvisetup.sh

defconfig cv1800b_sophpi_duo_sd




Note: If you are prompted that libssl.so.1.1 is missing during compilation, install it as follows.



(If the link fails, you can download it yourself here http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/)

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1_18.04.21_amd64.deb

After the final compilation is completed, an install folder will be generated under the folder.

install/soc_cv1800b_sophpi_duo_sd The folder directory is as follows:

[] Write system to SD card:

cd install/soc_cv1800b_sophpi_duo_sd/

You can find the *.img file. SD card and insert it into the computer.

Write image to SD card using command line.

sudo dd if=./sophpi-duo-*.img of=/dev/sdx bs=32M status=progress oflag=direct

("sophpi-duo-*.img" and "sdx" Change it to your name.)

Or copy the *.img file. Use the software to directly burn the image to the SD card, refer to Milk-V Duo Image writing

[] Start the system:

The SD card is plugged into the board, connected to the board's serial port 0 by TTL serial port (no power supply is needed), and then the serial port is opened on the computer with serial debugging tools, and the board is connected to the computer with TYPEC cable, and the system can be entered after a while.

Note that RNDIS protocol is not added to this version of the system kernel, so the DUO development board cannot be recognized in the device manager after it is plugged into USB!